1. Vision & Research Environment
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya is a special purpose university established for global culture and spiritual renaissance as per the vision & literature of its patron founder Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya & Mata Bhagvati Devi Sharma. Hence, the vision of research was clearly evinced in the first aim of the objective of its act, which is the guiding force for DSVV’s research journey. The university is dedicated to research and development in Scientific spirituality through inter, multi- and trans-disciplinary works. Its diversified conventional and non-conventional academic departments focused on Indigenous knowledge with research through masters, PhD dissertations along with dedicated research centers creating the research microenvironment as per the vision statement of the University. The identified selected thrust areas of research as per the vision of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya are comprehensive & holistic development, traditional medicines, sustainability, and technological solutions for personal, familial and societal, ecological & universal welfare.
1.1 Innovation Environment
The university aims and actively focuses to enhance skills and innovation potential of its student, faculty, and staff. The academic and research environment of the university aims for creating and transforming young minds for social entrepreneurship. Interaction of academia, research, and society is inherently woven in the University foundation. The university connects research, innovations and indigenous knowledge skills for social welfare in forms of seminars, workshops, programs, and extension activities to visitors, participants, industry, villages, urban areas.
2. Research Infrastructure and Facilities
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya is committed to provide research infrastructure and facilities for its research vision. DSVV aims to continuously work on development of new facilities as per the requirement of research and innovation. DSVV is committed to address and expand all needs required in the path of its research vision.
Besides wet, dry and computer labs, outpatient departments, rural and sustainability innovation environment, herbal innovation environment, academic research environment, dedicated research centers and other research infrastructure and facilities, DSVV provides and continuously updates supporting technological environment facilities such as seminar halls, auditoriums, internet facilities, softwares, libraries, herbal gardens and acupressure parks, which boosts its activity.
3. Research Grants
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya has a strict policy on all processing involved in the Research activity. All external funding from applicants of institutions must follow norms of funding agency with formal proposal and agreement with institutions involving executing research personnel. Prior approval is required from the administration while seeking any external fund for research activity. Besides following norms of funding agency of expense, detailed regular submission and updates are required to submit administrative head and accounts head, where relevant research head will be responsible to present and meet required compliance of expenditure.
3.1. Funding from international agencies
All funds and communications to and from international agencies for research, advance studies, travel or any other activity must be processed through the International Relations Office at DSVV under administrative head wherever required with MoU with the institution. Incase of Individual International fellowship, individuals must seek prior approval of application, leave and return joining.
3.2. Funding from governmental and non-governmental agencies
Grant must be submitted as per norms of GOI website and funding agency. Endorsement from the administrative head must be obtained by PI and Co-PIs before applying along with final draft submission of technical details of the project at least 10 days before. Post grant technical submission as part of norms of grant must also be submitted to institutional administrative head and Research Advisory Council (RAC).
For the non-governmental agencies funding, the processing will be as above with prior approval from institutional administrative heads. Formal agreement/MoU with institutions is implemented for finalizing norms with funding agencies. Any project taken under this MoU/agreement will have PI, Co-PI as executive heads.
Intellectual Property generated from the funded research is usually held by the institution along with following of IP rules as mentioned in GOI approval order.
3.3. Funding from industry & other sources
Industrial funding must be executed with prior approval from institutional heads with signing of MoU/agreement with norms of funding approach and IP sharing. PI and CoPI or an administrative head are to be part of proposals as execution head.
Any other type of funding such as Individual donations, group or sister organizations sponsored grants, etc. must be obtained with prior approval from the Institution head along with its plan of expenditure. PI will maintain all norms of account office and report expenditure and outcome to the administrative head.
3.4. Institutional grant
DSVV is committed to provide financial assistance and support to the highest extent for the research fulfilling journey of its research vision. The funds for resources, consumables, maintenance, infrastructure, and any other required facilities are allocated on a case to case basis based on the proposal made to institutional heads by the faculty, staff and full time volunteers of the institution. The utilization and financial expenditure is to be maintained and submitted as per university norms to the account office and administrative head. The outcome is monitored by the Research Advisory Council of the institution.
4. Research Incentivization & promotion
DSVV provides incentives in the form of resources, facility and financial support to the faculty, staff and students for promoting research and its environment in the institution as follows. DSVV actively introduces policies and incentives from time to time for fostering research. Institution environment allows easy reach of any faculty, student and staff with any research idea to the Research Advisory Council of the institution and administrative head.
4.1 Research Incentivization
● Financial assistance and support for research publications with incentive to the authors
● Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya Scholarship to undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students
● Financial and accommodation support to PhD Students
● Relaxation in fees, financial support, and accommodation to institution members who go to pursue PhD
● Abroad Mobilization and travel support to faculty and students for research/advance study
● Seed funding/ financial support on case to case basis for research as well as establishing labs for the individual faculty
● Financial assistance to travel and accommodation to lecture-seminar
4.2 Research Promotion
● Providing research guidance and resources through specialized dedicated research centers and state of art labs
○ Brahmavarchas Research Institute
○ Center for Baltic Culture & Studies
○ Yagyavalkya Center for Yagya Research
○ Center for Artificial Intelligence & Research
○ Center for Animation & VFX
○ Panchkarma Center & Marma Therapy Center
○ Etc.
● Providing patient consultancy environment for research
○ Complementary and Alternative Therapy Labs (for Yoga Therapy , Shatkarma, Pranic healing, Magnet therapy, Naturopathy, Sound healing, Music Therapy, Sujok Therapy, Ayurvedic Acupressure Therapy), Panchkarma Center & Marma Therapy Center, Etc.
● Rural entrepreneurship environment for research and innovation
○ Center for Recycling & Handmade Product (Self-Employment Center)
■ Handmade Loom Products, Handmade paper, Jute products, cloth bags, Scented sticks, knitting center, screen printing, paper conversion, telgani, dari & carpet, panchgavya product, etc.
○ Rural production facilities (Gaushala, Cow urine and dung based product development, Gobar-gas, Vermicomposting, etc.)
○ Herbal Medicine Product Laboratory, Herbal Garden, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Field laboratory
● Providing collaborative opportunities to engage with national and international research groups
● Laboratory equipment or consumable support for faculty conducting research
● The infrastructure resource for the institution level research support based on requirement and approval
● Providing easy access to inter-departmental usage of research facilities
● Publication of research journals on Indigenous systems
● Providing short term workshops on good research practice and research papers writing for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students
5. Collaborations
DSVV strongly encourages collaborations with other institutions in addition to sharing the resources and providing the research environment for speeding up the research process. The outcome of the research which helps the society is DSVV’s primary research goal. Global cultural and spiritual research is strongly encouraged through quality and active collaborations. Besides the institutional level, the university strongly encourages its departments and research centers for collaborations. All collaborative research/mutual interest activity must be abided by MoU/agreement. International MoU are processed directly through the International Relations Office at DSVV.
6. Consultation Activities
DSVV is a university for global cultural and spiritual renaissance, hence consultation of its philosophy, expertise, skills, research outcomes and innovations is an inherent portion of its service. DSVV distinctly provides consultancy and expert advice in domains such as cultural and spiritual, industrial, rural and sustainability, and traditional medicine consultancy. DSVV faculty, staff and students are allowed to provide consultation services in prior approval from institutional administrative heads under different programs.
The university provides its expertise, skills, research outcomes and innovations at no cost as per its foundation policy to all entities including corporate, society as well as individuals. The expense of resources in any consultation services or remuneration obtained from any entity or person are to be approved and finalized on a case by case at department level followed by approval from the institution administrative head.
6.1 Cultural & Spiritual consultancy
DSVV provides cultural and spiritual consultancy to individuals and entities. National and International groups/individuals/corporates visit the university for cultural and spiritual consultancy and guidance. Such activity results in their personal development as well as cultural and spiritual research activity and collaboration. Faculty and Staff voluntarily involved in cultural and spiritual consultancy are provided travel and accommodation through sponsoring entities. The university provides travel and accommodation expenses where consultancy nature is self-less social service, for example, Yoga training to prisoners in Jail and handmade fruit product training to villagers.
6.2 Industrial Consultancy
The Consultancy is the important part of the research through which the faculty, scientists, Post Doctoral researcher, staff share their expertise to the industry as an expert advice that help to solve their challenges with design, build, and develop policies, frameworks, models, testing and validating services, help with process and product development and prototypes. The purpose of the industrial consultancy is to service industry or organization and community. The consultancy time is to be approved by the head of the institution. Before the starting of the consultancy, the proper consultancy agreement/details are to be defined for the activities, resources, infrastructure with their proper financial details with the industrial institution for each consultancy project.
6.3 Traditional Medicine Consultancy
DSVV works in preserving and practicing traditional medicine and therapies. Experts’ consultancies of traditional medicine to patients and field professionals are voluntary as part of their service to the society.
6.4 Rural & Sustainability consultancy
The university seriously works in rural employability and sustainability. Faculty and staff involved in this activity provide training of skills of rural entrepreneurship to individuals and relevant entities. Such training programs are at no cost. Remuneration or charges for resources for specialized arrangements are to be finalized by the institutional administrative head.
7. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
The Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya primarily focuses on Interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. The university encourages and provides a proper ecosystem to our students, faculty or staff to convert their potential ideas into the IP as a research outcome. The patent or intellectual property (IP) filing is processed through a centralized committee recommended by the administrative head to find the potential from the drafted patent document submitted for further processing. Intellectual Property generated from the funded research is usually held by the institution along with following of IP rules as mentioned in GOI approval order or defined in MoU or agreement. All the IP filing wherein DSVV is sole applicant and its maintenance cost to be borne by the university or in the other cases to be decided by the administrative head.
8. Training and development
The university provides and ensures an environment of training for development of its faculty and staff for research, innovation and extension activity. Seminars, workshops, lectures, training programs, faculty development programs, experts and dignitaries visits in institute premises, as well as field trips, camps and consultancy, for social welfare are essential, and routine part of the university culture. Mobilization of faculties and students abroad for cultural and social research and study is an important part of the University commitment for training and development of its members.
9. Research Ethical & Integrity Policy
The university emphasizes Academic Integrity and Research Quality as mandated by UGC. The same is incorporated in the PhD syllabus of the university as Ethics course. Dissertation and research projects are well followed for plagiarism screening.
Besides, academics integrity and research quality by Research and Development Cell, dedicated & specialized research centers i.e. Brahmavarchas Research Institute, Yagyavalkya Center for Yagya Research, and Center of Artificial Intelligence & Research inline with the thrust area of the university provide a micro-environment of research ethics and integrity.
The university shall follow UGC and other relevant guidelines for human subject research. The research ethical committee (REC) shall maintain the ethical clearance needed for the research projects of the university. The Standard Operating Procedure of Research Ethics Committee at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya for Research on Human participants is attached as Annexure 1.
10. Ph.D., D.sc. & D.Litt. Research Guidelines
The university has a very specific policy and guidelines for Ph.D. research. As the university has interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research subjects of Indigenous wisdom and knowledge described in its thrust area, the PhD research guidelines policy is well defined and attached as annexure 2.
The University runs special programs for the higher research degrees of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (D.Sc.) / DOCTOR OF LETTERS (D.Litt.) through its research institute ‘Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya Shodh Peeth’. Its guidelines and rules are attached as Annexure 3.
11. Research Committees & Research Organizational Structure
University Management ↔ Research Advisory Council (Director)
Research Centers
– Brahmavarchas Research Institute
– Center for Baltic Culture & Studies
– Yagyavalkya Center for Yagya Research
– Center for Artificial Intelligence & Research
Departmental State of Art Labs Research Advisory Committee ↑
← Research and Development Cell (coordinates to RAC director)
Research Degree Committee
Research Ethical Committee
Departmental Research Committees
Scrutiny Committee